An exclusive interview with the inventor of sex.

My name is Francheska, and just live the incredible experience of interviewing the inventor of sex, and this is what happened:

Francheska – Good afternoon. Is noticed that you are very happy.

The Inventor of Sex – I love to talk. It is my delight.

Francheska – We know that you are the Inventor of sex, what inspired him to invent something like that?

The Inventor of Sex – Pleasure, I love the satisfaction that gives pleasure. I wanted everyone feel good, yearned for something to convey love, joy and togetherness.

Francheska – Togetherness?

The Inventor of Sex – Yes, the sex has the particularity of join with another person completely and forever.

Francheska – But sex only lasts a few minutes …

The Inventor of Sex – But the junction no. Your soul, mind, body, and spirit, your whole being merged with another being forever, is wonderful!

Francheska – is not something enslaving think that a few minutes will attach you forever to someone else?

The Inventor of Sex – The loneliness is the true slavery. Sex makes you free from loneliness and sadness. My invention ensures that you enjoy a lifetime of pleasure in company. Freedom is knowing that the person you are submitting your being, continue at your side every day, and that will not disappear. I wanted that everyone give it the correct value to you as my invention.

Francheska – You are against many sexual positions … Why so many prohibitions to enjoy your invention?

The Inventor of Sex – Every part of your body has a specific function, and we all know that when we use things for what they were designed not only work perfectly but reach their true potential. I see many sexual dissatisfaction in the world and that’s just a result of not knowing the instructions I gave for using my invention. All those “positions” only destroy your mind, body and spirit, and of course my pleasant invention. What inventor agrees that destroy your work?

Francheska – So … what we have experienced until now is not the real potential of his invention?

The Inventor of Sex – Absolutely not. My invention has the ability to completely satisfy your body, mind, heart, soul and spirit, as I said before, my invention linking your whole being with someone else, and this union is the key: not only your body finds “your half orange “, but also your mind, heart, soul and spirit, finds its fullness, in short, my invention is designed for you to enjoy hyper orgasm.

Francheska – Hyper what?

The Inventor of Sex – Hiper orgasm. That is the reward of use my invention wisely, that level of pleasure is only possible when satisfiest your body, mind, heart, soul and spirit at the same time; and that makes my invention.

Francheska – Sounds good all that, but there is something that many still do not understand, why it is wrong to use his invention with someone of the same sex?

The Inventor of Sex – It is simple to explain. Only the junction penis – vagina has the power to produce a new life, hyper orgasm and eternal life; any other “design” just destroy your mind, body, heart, soul and spirit. The original has no substitute.

Francheska – But, why I can not love someone of the same sex?

The Inventor of Sex – Love is for everyone regardless of sex, race or religion, sex is exclusively between man and woman in marriage.

Francheska – Why then you design homosexuality?

The Inventor of Sex – Homosexuality is not my invention, it is only an “alteration” of my invention, it is easy to identify the true from the false: altered or false designs are incapable of producing the results of the original design, in this case: produce a new life, hyper orgasm and eternal life.

Francheska – Well, a difficult question. Suppose a woman changes sex, now she is a man, according to you, “he” should now have sex with men or women?

The Inventor of Sex – No one can “switch gender”, a woman could wear a penis and breasts removed, but still would be a woman. Sexuality does not refer exclusively to the body, you are complete woman, spirit, heart, mind, soul and body, and you can not change all that. A bird will remain a bird though will you cut the wings and you put scales; likewise, a fish will remain a fish though you put him wings and take off him tail.

Francheska – So …?

The Inventor of Sex – The woman of your question would follow as a woman with a penis of man, unsatisfied emotional, sexual and spiritual, until it joins with the man that complements her.

Interviewer – But how to control your sexuality, i.e. as I can control what I feel …?

The Inventor of Sex – Fear not, I have skills in emotionally, spiritually and sexually guide you to enjoy your emotions, hyper orgasm and of course your eternal life. Remember, I am the creator of sex.

Francheska – And sex with animals?

The Inventor of Sex – Every living being is designed to have sex according to its kind. Humans and animals have no comparison, animals are not designed in the image and likeness of its creator. The purpose, function, destiny, life, mind, and abilities of animals are absolutely and radically different to the purpose, functions, destiny, life, mind, and human skills. How could lower ourselves to the level of an simple animal? Thinking about joining your sexuality with a monkey, a horse or any animal, is a though absurdly stupid and retarded that provoking curse on you: mental, physical and spiritual sickness is the result of performing such a thing. It is depressing that humans still think that sex is just a penis and a vagina, when my invention will merge with another mental, spiritual, emotional and bodily.

Francheska – But in some cases there is animals showing homosexuality… why?

The Inventor of Sex – That’s right, less than 0.8% of animal species have homosexual behavior and even live without sex …, what has that to do with your sexuality as a human being? You’re not an animal, you are made in the likeness of the owner and creator of everything. Also remember that animals do not have your brain power, they just react sexually without reasoning.

Francheska – Some people use that claim to defend homosexuality in humans …

The Inventor of Sex – Your sexual design as a human being is unique and not based on any animal. These excuses about homosexuality animals are only destroying the sexual happiness of the human being. 

Francheska – How can we be happy, sexually speaking?

The Inventor of Sex – Using my invention exclusively with your Suitable Couple in marriage.

Francheska – What is the suitable couple?

The Inventor of Sex – The person that complements your sexual, emotional, spiritual, economic and human area to 100%. Literally, your other half.

Francheska – You said “exclusively”, can not gain experience with others before marry with the ideal couple that which you refer?

The Inventor of Sex – That “experience” that you say, just wearing your emotional, spiritual and sexual area and destroys your ability to love and be loved. Remember, my invention linking you completely with someone else, so every time you have sex with a person one part of you will stay with that person,, that “experience” only bankruptcy your life in pieces. Virginity is the maximum sexual trigger in a couple.

Francheska – Does not it seem outdated thinking about the idea of a virgin at marriage?

The Inventor of SexOn the contrary, virginity is the most intelligent thing you can do in your life. The real delay is not understanding the true power of sex, nor value yourself enough to avoid wasting your chance to enjoy the hyper orgasm, true love and essential eternal life. The Hiper orgasm is an exclusive benefit of those who wisely kept his body, mind and heart for your honeymoon under the coverage of God.

Francheska – So …just masturbated while we wait for our suitable couple … right?

The Inventor of Sex – Masturbation, sex toys, homosexuality and pornography are nothing more “sex substitutes”, incapable of fill you and much less bless you. The key to your sexual life is joining to YOUR Ideal Couple under the cover of marriage and not in “lonely” mode. When you masturbate you are rejecting the gift of your ideal partner, the access to hyper pleasure; and wasting the opportunity to give life to another human being, in every masturbation you “assassinate” a future baby. Pornography and masturbation are part of the diabolical design for sex, the devil uses these two “substitutes” to promote their false sexuality, with the sole purpose of access to your heart and can destroy your emotional, spiritual and sexual life, and prevent you reach the essential Eternal Life.

Francheska – You talks a lot about eternal life …

The Inventor of Sex – There are two ways to live your temporal life: wasting your heart and body with anyone while you fill your mind with pornography, emotional instability, resentment and loneliness, and without ever experienced true loveor real sex; or on the other hand, keeping your heart and body to your Suitable Couple while you fill your mind of sexual wisdom, spiritual fulfillment and emotional intelligence, and experience every day the true love and true sex. The second option leads to eternal life, and is the result of using my invention according to my design, and talk to me daily.

Francheska – What’s wrong with pornography? We can learn a lot from her …

The Inventor of Sex – Pornography promotes sex contrary to my design. All that teaches you is what destroys your sexual, emotional and spiritual life, leaving you empty and unsatisfied. The more you consume pornography, more destroy your sexual, emotional, mental and spiritual life and this is easily verifiable in the 21st century: more and more loneliness, dissatisfaction and frustration. Pornography is unable to fill you, simply makes you a slave while slowly destroys your life, the only thing that satisfies your life is my design.

Francheska – Where we find then current answers to our emotional or sexual questions …?

The Inventor of Sex – Talk to me. The path to your sexual, emotional and spiritual happiness can only show you your Designer: I.

Francheska – Refers to Prayer …

The Inventor of Sex – Yes. I am your God, your Creator and your Savior, and as I mentioned at the beginning, I love to talk. Prayer has no substitutes.

Francheska – Thanks for the interview. One last thought you want to share with us …

The Inventor of Sex – I am an expert to heal wounds, transform lives, and save you from hell. If you come to Me, you’ll enjoy the real life.

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Keep reading: University of the Love, Social Impulse and Tithes and Offerings.

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