Divine Prophecy 2014. Unmasked.

In August 2013, Holy Spirit dictate me what would happen this year that is about to end. Divine Prophecy 2014 was posted on the blog the November 3, 2013, and today we expose her, while We surprised us with its overall prophetic fulfillment.

Some of my people will be persecuted and ripped from the ground by hundreds, many of My people will be taken out of their resting places to be destroyed, evil groups shout of joy meanwhile my People is beset by Believe faithfully in Me, “massacres” say on the news, says His Heavenly Father.

This 2014 was heavily marked by the international news headlines, warning of massacres and killings committed in several countries against Christians and other religious groups. “Massacred thousand Christians in two days,” they said news blogs on the web. The Research Center Pew Research reported that this year the maximum rise in the area of religious restrictions in the world, with nearly 3 out of 4 of the world’s people (74%) living in countries with high levels of hostility reached. It was really confrontational notice this excessive increase in news about religious persecution: beheadings, looted and razed villages, cities suddenly longed only people “of their own religious ideology” within their borders, and citizens fled literally from their homes for fear to be killed for believing in Jesus Christ, gave life to the words that God decreed weeks before beginning enforcement.

Miracles meaningless occur in favor of the My People, things that nobody understood, without motive or reason to happen, but they say it “wonderful things” because it will Miracles to Favor of the Mine.

It was awesome the temporary globalization of the hastag #ن, #WeAreN and even #TodosSomosNazarenos and #SomosN against religious discrimination in social networks like twitter and instagram, which greatly slowed harassment that Christians suffering in the Middle East.

Increased Believers in places where my name was scarce, now began to scream without fear. Many will come to Me in this period, My glory will be shown in salvations that increased to My People on earth, Some cities say: “religious increased in our city” says the Almighty.

The victory in the US, of the Republican party (loyal to promote values in modern society, and in their majority Christian), is in the news right now in the world, now the United States Senate has more people believers. Jesus razed in holliwood this 2014. Many films preached the gospel of salvation: “God is NOT dead,” “The Son of God,” “Noah,” “The Prodigal Son” are just examples of films that saturated cinemas this 2014. It was controversial hear statements from presidents like Barack Obama (USA), Otto Perez Molina (Guatemala), Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel) and Antonio Saca (El Salvador), among many other Members of Congress, speaking without fear of their relationship with Jesus and their rejection of global religious intolerance, or mentioning the apocalypse at the UN. I get excited to see hundreds of Muslims finding Jesus as their personal Savior and receiving Bibles to be built, and even more remarkable was to discover the extraordinary rise of Christians in China. And the controversial letter from Israeli Minister Ariel Sharon, which indicated that he met Jesus, the true Messiah. There were definitely increase faithful believers to God, in this 2014.

I’ll talk a lot in this period through night dreams.Young and old men shall dream that reveal destinations, change that will guide decisions and nations, presidents dreamed dreams and take new decisions , says the Almighty.

A very strange news happened this 2014: Murtada Mansur, a politician and lawyer who appeared for the presidential elections in Egypt, withdrew his candidacy after receiving “a sign from God” in a dream, again, was fulfilled literally the prophetic Word of God, and who certainly remain as president of Egypt, will have a role in the divine plan for the coming years.

Signs in outer space. News about space return human eyes to the cosmos, Signals in space and in heaven occur, news of mouth to mouth, alarm screams, shouts of joy, the world turn around their eyes to the occult, never be the same again the cosmos, says the Lord.

Red moons, scientists warning of possible meteorite falls, and speculation about the planet Mars and its colonization, became news this year that made the eyes turn toward the cosmos once again. The passage of the comet Ison near the ground, shocked many days to the humanity, the announcement of four red moons very close one another (already had two this 2014 and two more that will happen now in 2015), made that very many around the world, turn their views to the unknown universe. It was really controversial hearing rumors for the first time in history, about the first successful trip to the moon by US, had been a fraud, thousands of videos on YouTube emerged demonstrating “mistakes” that questioned the authenticity of the event, to then a Russian news indicating that one of their ships pretended moonlanding; also Spaceport America opened its doors to the public for the first commercial space flight in human history, the stratosphere can now be accessed with just board a ship of the company Virgin Galactic and the UK is preparing to have its first spaceport … anyway, either way, the space made ​​headlines this 2014.

Cars with new features transiting in cities, new way of behaving along the avenues, new vehicle systems will be established. There will be changes in vehicles says the Almighty.

This year was marked by extraordinary technological success: new technologies in vehicles. Google, Audi, and Ford, first mentioned its autonomous car (driven without human), and automotive companies launched their new technological proposals to facilitate navigation on our streets this 2014. The headlines announced “Recently the motorsport industry is hogging much prominence in the world of technology,” making notorious the prophetic fulfillment of the word of God. The Tokyo Auto Salon presents an incredible trend: hydrogen as a substitute for traditional fuel; The Experimental Aviation Association in America (EAA), show for this 2014 the prototype of a “flying-car”. BMW introduced its BMW i8 model with touch conduction system. US announced projects vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V), where cars can communicate with each other to report what they are doing in the road … anyway, it’s really amazing how God confirmed this word about the vehicles, which to be honest, confronted my faith when I received it in August 2013.

Manifestations, mobs joined his voice to speak in unison. Strikes, mutinous people ahead of governments. Concentrations of people gathered for one purpose, some to reject others for support, says the Lord of hosts.

Europe and Latin America were shaken by manifestations and strikes this year. Spain, Venezuela, Hong Kong, France, Brazil and Chile are part of many towns that for whatever reason demanded changes in authorities or laws, manifesting against their governments and institutions to demand social and legal changes. It was impressive to note the “social combat” that was formed in relation to the legalization of marijuana, gay marriage, and abortion on demand, crowds supporting or rejecting, shouted in unison their demands, totally confirming the word of God decreed for 2014.

European nations will be restored as a sample of my Love to them, but will not by human decisions and actions, but will be by my own Hand, and do not speak or write of crisis but of hope, but not will be with all of them, said with Love Your Heavenly Father.

Several European cities “resurfaced” this 2014. No change of government or foreign credits, simply God reestablished by Love those European cities. Many began to speak of hope in Europe for first time in many years. Interesting the accuracy of the prophetic word.

Increase the soothsayers and tarot readers in this period, I will allow divination, witchcraft and tarot increase dramatically over the earth in this period, says the Almighty Jehovah of Hosts.

The crisis of the previous year caused two things: one good and one bad. Increased approaching people back to God, and secondly, people going to the falsity of tarot and divination to know your future in the crisis. The end of 2013 and beginning of 2014 was strongly influenced by this global phenomenon.

People who I have set before My People spoke again of Me, his preaching changed and now will focus on Me, the Adoration will be part of My Church, a seed of a culture of worship will be initiated in this period, says the all-loving Lord of hosts.

One issue returned to have relevance in the Christian Church: Worship. It was great to see again pastors talk about the true Worship, and make international and local conferences. where the central theme was precisely the Adoration to Almighty. Many began to worship God truly this year.

“Miracles in broad daylight. Live international news will record amazing things that will challenge their unbelief. Parking lots, shopping malls, gyms, hospitals, the streets will witness the love and power of God because Miracles unannounced will be displayed in the full light of day, says the Lord. Miracles never before heard it read in social networks and news will be momentary front of unbelievers all. Teasing, wonder and new believers before the manifestation of My Love, saith the Lord of Hosts.

“God moved the missiles we could not shoot down” said a trader at the “Iron Dome” the anti-missile system in Israel, when a sudden and unusually strong wind shook a trajectory missiles fired by Hamas. A Brazilian girl 8 years old imposed her hands, and immediately heal the sick in the city San Gonzalo, Brazil. Lexi Hansen “The Miracle Woman”, 18 years old, miraculously waking up from a coma in the US. Carman Domenic Licciardello singer, known by fans simply as Carman, announced the sudden disappearance of the cancer that had been diagnosed. A baby declared dead, resurrected half-hour before the doctors shocked. A young man in the city of Kenya, in Africa, resurrected when he already was in the morgue… Miracles are happening around the world in broad daylight, and this 2014 is not over yet.

You can confirm all the news on any newscast or international or local newspaper, or you can visit our section “The world needs to know.” (In Spanish)

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